How deep should you build an Underground Fridge


There are a number of things to take into account when digging for an underground fridge. Consequently, the depth of an underground fridge in a cold climate will be different from the underground fridge in a warm climate. The concept of this type of storage is simple: at certain depths, temperatures and … Read more

Cost of Creating an Underground Fridge

an entrance to a root cellar

A root cellar is quite a cool idea as they are nature’s refrigerators. Basically, they are holes that were dug into the ground and used the whole year to keep vegetables and dry goods. It is a dry and cool place that does not freeze during the winter season or get too … Read more

Protect Food with a Ground Fridge

Protect Food with a Ground Fridge

Refrigeration is actually a relatively recent invention – the earliest recorded invention of a home refrigerator was in 1913, though Frigidaire did not develop its self-contained appliance until 1923, and the combination refrigerator/freezer was not invented until 1940 – less than a century ago at the time of this article’s writing. Considering … Read more