This Guy Built an Awesome, Tiny Cabin for About $2,000!

$2000 Off Grib Cabin

If you’ve ever wanted to build a tiny cabin for really cheap, this video will help you. Lamar Alexander decided he wanted to build a small 400 square foot cabin and he did it for around $2,000. The cabin is powered by a 570 watt solar and wind power generator/system. The system he used is pretty inexpensive.

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Do Ripe Bananas with Dark Patches Combat Abnormal Cells or Cancer?

Ripe Bananas Help Fight Cancer

There has been many articles lately about how ripe bananas have an anti-cancer type effect, meaning it could be used to help combat abnormal cells or even help to thwart off cancer. Japanese scientists that have spent some time researching fruits and vegetables and the effects of those foods on health have discovered that a within ripe bananas there is a substance, nicknamed Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (or TNF-alpha for short). This substance, according to their study, helps to increase the immune system capacity. The conclusion of the study was that eating those ripe bananas may just prevent certain lifestyle-related diseases and/or carcinogenesis.

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Soursop Super Fruit with Anti-tumor and Cancer Properties

Soursop Super Fruit Anti cancer Food

HEALTH TIP: The soursop fruit, also known as graviola (Portuguese) guanábana (Spanish), or corossol (French) is a large, green fruit with a dull spiked surface, found mainly in tropical regions. It comes from a small evergreen tree with dark green leaves. You can eat it ripe by tearing off the green surface. A ripe soursop fruit can be very soft and easy to tear apart with the fingers. On the inside is a soft creamy pulp embedded with numerous black seeds. The pulp, the seeds, and even the leaves and bark can be of significant health benefits.

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