What are the survival uses of Chapstick?

Lip balm and Chapstick are typically seen in desk drawers or purses. They have several survival functions as well as making life considerably simpler for someone with chapped lips.

Nose Relief 

We have terrible seasonal allergies, and every autumn or winter we have one or two colds. As a result, we are aware of how annoying it may be when your nose becomes inflamed after being blown or wiped repeatedly. The discomfort brought on by this can be relieved using Chapstick. You need just apply a little to the painful region to start feeling better. 

Soothing Bug Bites

Bug bites can itch, hurt, or cause both. Bug bites can also be relieved with Chapstick. Apply a little to the troubled region. The ideal kinds for this purpose are those that include menthol.

Reduce Cuticle Pain

You will spend a lot of time utilizing your hands in a survival situation. Your cuticles will peel as a result of the severe circumstances and excessive usage. This can rapidly become painful. Additionally, infections will be easier to contact if you have damaged skin. To relieve the discomfort and promote cuticle healing, dab some Chapstick on them.

Prevent Blisters

You may apply Chapstick to avoid getting blisters on your hands and feet. Before beginning a trek, dab a tiny quantity on your heel or any other area that is prone to blisters. Put some Chapstick on your hands where blisters are most prone to form if you are going to be using a shovel, rake, or other tool for a prolonged amount of time. By doing these things, the Chapstick will be able to reduce the friction on your hands and feet.


A tube of Chapstick will work well in place of sunscreen if you are out in the sun but forgot to pack it. To shield lips from the sun, some Chapstick has an SPF rating. Your nose and other regions that are most susceptible to burn should receive the Chapstick. Ensure that nothing flies into your eyes.

Chapped Hands

For chapped hands, Chapstick can also be used as a moisturizer. Similar to how it helped your lips, it will ease the discomfort and hasten the healing process.


Stop Bleeding from Small Cuts

Chapstick may also stop bleeding from minor wounds like paper cuts and shaving nicks, which is quite similar to the prior use. Applying some Chapstick to the injured area should instantly halt the bleeding and lessen the discomfort.

Reduce Glare

You may use Chapstick to shield your eyes from the glare of bright surfaces such as pavement, snow, sand, and water. Apply some Chapstick and some ash beneath your eyes. As a result, less light will be reflected in your eyes. This will increase your comfort and could shield your eyes from harm, such as snow blindness.

Wind Blocker

When your skin is exposed to abrasive windy conditions, windburn develops. Whether it is your lips or another area of your face, such as your cheeks, Chapstick may provide a barrier between your skin and the outdoors. This could help you survive or even simply get through a chilly, windy day.

Finger Splint

If you break a finger or toe, you can use a Chapstick tube to create a temporary splint in a survival situation. Cut it into vertical slices using a knife. The size of the portions will be determined by the size of the finger or toe that has to be splinted. On either side of the broken appendage, tie the parts in place using cordage.

Chapped Lips

It should go without saying, but Chapstick may also aid in the calming and healing of chapped lips.

Gun Lubricant

Chapstick may be used as grease in an emergency if you are in the field and do not have access to gun oil. Put a little Chapstick on the rifle bolts, pistol slides, and other moving components.

Bow Lube

Chapstick can also be used to lubricate the cables and strings on certain bow types. Apply Chapstick to it and run it along the string. Chapstick may also be used to lubricate the rails of a crossbow. 

Tool Lubrication

Use Chapstick to smooth up the operation of any tools that have moving components. Apply a tiny quantity to the crescent wrenches, plier joints, and other hand tools.

Padlock Keyholes

You may use Chapstick to assist you get a key into a difficult padlock. Try inserting the key after applying a small coating to it. The Chapstick will lubricate the lock when the key is inserted, making it simpler to remove and use later.

Free Up Zippers

With a little Chapstick, you might be able to unstick a stuck or resistant zipper. Apply Chapstick on the zipper’s surface and rub it in. After that, try reversing the zipper a few times. This should equally dispense the Chapstick and lubricate the zipper.

Bow Drill

If you are ever unfortunate enough to have to use a bow drill to start a fire, you can use Chapstick to make the process easier. You want all of the friction to occur at the drill’s base since this is what starts a fire. Unfortunately, the top part of the drill, the socket, can create additional friction which can slow the drill down. Put some Chapstick on the top of the drill and the bottom of the socket to fix this issue. By lubricating both components, it will be simpler for them to move against one another. This will enable the drill to operate more quickly and generate more friction on the hearth board, assisting you in producing coal.

Thread Lubrication

Additionally, Chapstick might make it simpler to handle rusted nuts and bolts. Apply Chapstick to as much of the threaded region as you can if you can reach any section of the threads. It will not assist you with releasing it, but it may make turning it a bit simpler. This also works nicely if you need to secure a nut or insert a rusted bolt. If you need to screw a lengthy screw into a piece of wood, this method also works nicely. The screw will go into the wood much more easily if you lubricate the threads with Chapstick.

Driving Nails

Chapstick can help you drive nails much like it can make screwing in simpler. Before driving the nail in, put some Chapstick on it. It will be simpler to drive since the Chapstick will lessen friction between the nail and the wood.

Tenon Grease

If you play a musical instrument, such as the saxophone, you may lubricate the tenons with Chapstick to make assembling and disassembling the instrument simpler. Additionally, you may use Chapstick to lubricate the slides—not the valves—of brass instruments like trumpets.

Fire Tinder

Many preppers and survivalists know that adding Vaseline to cotton balls makes an excellent fire starter. Some of them do not realize that Chapstick may be used for the same thing, though. Put some Chapstick on cotton balls or dryer lint, and then light it with a lighter or another means. The cotton or lint will burn for a longer period thanks to the Chapstick. You will have a higher chance of starting a fire because of this.


Another way to build a survival candle is using Chapstick. Cut roughly an inch from the tip of a cotton swab (Q-tip). After that, distribute and stretch the cotton fibers on the portion you cut off with your fingers while applying Chapstick to it. With about 1/4 of an inch of cotton remaining above the top, insert the cotton swab section into the Chapstick tube. The cotton swab will serve as a wick while the fire burns after being lit.

Survival Lantern

By including a Chapstick candle in a lantern, you may significantly increase the heating efficiency of the device. Make a Chapstick survival candle as previously advised to do this. Grab a drink can next. Cut a vertical incision down the side of the soda can. Make cuts horizontally on both sides of the vertical incision after that. You may create twin doors that open outward using this technique. Place the lit Chapstick candle into the Coca-Cola container. The Coke can assist in reflecting the heat in your direction. If it is really cold outside and you just have a little candle to provide heat, this will be quite useful.


Chapstick can be used with ash to reduce glare, as indicated previously. The same idea may be used to make camouflage face paint. Mix the Chapstick with some ash or other comparable substances. To assist you to blend in with your surroundings, rub it on your face.

Waterproof Hole Patch

You may use Chapstick to make a waterproof patch for a minor hole in a poncho or other material. Insert a little piece of Chapstick into the hole. If you can press the Chapstick together from both edges of the opening, it will usually work the best.

Seam Sealer

In a survival situation, unwanted water leaks can be uncomfortable and harm equipment. A tent or backpack’s seams are one of the most specific entry points for water. This is a result of the holes made when stitching them together. Apply Chapstick to the seams of your tent or rucksack using a Chapstick tube. Apply a good amount of pressure. This will aid in sealing the holes and enable water to roll off the seams rather than saturate them.

Fog-Proof Glasses

Chapstick can also help keep your glasses from fogging up. Right out of the tube, apply Chapstick to the lenses of your spectacles. Make careful to coat the front as well as the back. The Chapstick should then be rubbed with a soft cloth to remove any extra. What is left behind should build up into an imperceptible fog-proof coating.

Remove Sticker Gunk

An unpleasant sticky coating that is hard to remove might occasionally be left behind after removing a sticker. Apply some Chapstick on the glue to address this. Allow it to sit for a while before wiping it off.


Protect Leather

Use Chapstick to shield any leather holsters, belts, pouches, or other small objects from the weather. Apply Chapstick on the leather and smooth it out evenly with a cloth or finger. Your equipment will get a protective covering as a result.


Flavored Chapstick can also be used as a lure to catch tiny animals. Its enticing aroma can entice animals to fall into traps.

Wax Sewing Thread

Chapstick may be used to wax sewing thread if you need to use your sewing kit to fix equipment while out in the field. It will become more water-resistant and less likely to stretch as a result. Use your finger to push the thread into the ChapStick’s top before pulling it through to coat the surface. After that, spread it out evenly and scrape off any extra with your fingertips.


Few criminals will attempt to steal Chapstick from someone. This makes the Chapstick tube a distraction safe for money and other small valuables. Make careful to clear away any residue that remains after the Chapstick has been removed before using it for this purpose.

Tinder or Match Case

Tinder for a fire or matches can also be kept inside a Chapstick tube. Make sure the area is clean if you want to store matches there. The matches might be ruined by the residue. It is unnecessary to empty a Chapstick tube if it is filled with cotton balls or dryer lint, though. The tinder will burn longer thanks to the residual Chapstick.

Mini Survival Kit

Miniature survival kits can easily be made from clean Chapstick tubes. They can accommodate little objects like weights and fishing hooks. They can also be used to segregate and arrange components in bigger kits.

Fishing Float

You may make a float or bobber out of an empty Chapstick tube if you need to utilize your survival fishing gear. You may use it to detect potential bites by tying it to your fishing line.


Popular lip balm Chapstick has several survival applications that might be helpful in dire circumstances. Although its primary function is to hydrate and safeguard lips, it can also be used for other things. While these emergency survival tips might be useful, it is important to keep in mind that Chapstick should not be your only source of survival supplies. It is usually a good idea to have an organized, complete survival kit with materials designated for particular purposes.