Guide to Freezing Vegetables

Different kinds of vegetables on the table

The reason why there is frozen produce is that they last longer than the goods in the fresh section. Frozen products can last for months, while fresh veggies can only last for a few weeks. However, if you like to prepare your food stock in case of an emergency (or if you … Read more

Are You a Closet Prepper? Don’t Be. Let Me Explain Why.

Are you a closet prepper?

If your answer is yes, then read on. I will explain in this article why you should never have to fear being embarrassed or judged by telling a co-worker, family member, or friend that you’re a prepper. Survivalism and the tools for the trade is some cool stuff. Don’t get caught with Prepper stigma!

You see, I used to be a closet prepper. I always kept my prepping to myself. I found that I hardly ever brought it up to family or friends, except for the one or two friends that I knew who were into the same types of preparing that I was. But lately, I’ve been opening up more to people that I know. Actually, it’s been kind of liberating and not as big of a deal as I made it out to be regarding telling others that I want to prepare for unforeseen times or situations.

People that I would have never told about my prepping before have actually become quite open and receptive in our conversations. In fact, some of the people I’ve been more open with about my prepping mindset have even started doing a little prepping themselves. That’s pretty great!

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Dehydrated Toothpaste for Prepping or Your Bug Out Bag

When it comes to survival, nothing may be more important than your bug out bag (BOB). Unfortunately your bug out bag will fill up quickly so the last thing you want taking up space is a large tube of toothpaste.

Well, if you want fresh breath and a healthy smile without hogging all your BOB space, then dehydrated toothpaste is your answer. And, you can easily use your tubes of toothpaste, such as Crest, Colgate, etc. to start your dehydrated toothpaste stash.

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